Jay Tulin – Bio:

Jay Tulin has a long history of dedicated public service and commitment to community. For more than a decade, first in Berlin and then in Middletown, he served in several elected and appointed positions, including the Board of Education and four Commissions. He also was co-founder of a community political action group that supported Berlin schools and was a member of the Middletown Democratic Town Committee.

After he and his wife Cheryl moved to Farmington in 2017, Jay quickly got involved in Farmington activities, attending nearly every Town Council meeting after he became a resident. He also has regularly attended meetings of the FHS Building Committee, the Village Center Committee, and the Board of Education. The information and discussions in those meetings provided context that helped him best serve in his roles on the Conservation/Inland Wetlands Commission, Human Relations Commission and in his recent appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Jay is an active member of the Democratic Town Committee, as well as the United Farmington advisory council, helping to drive its goal of a stronger, more informed Farmington community.

Jay’s professional background includes a BA in English from the University of Connecticut and 20 years with the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services as a Human Resource Consultant. His expertise was interpretation of contract language and laws and regulations, experience that would benefit a role as Zoning Board of Appeals alternate. Jay looks forward to continuing to engage and better his community by serving on the Zoning Board of Appeals and the other Commissions on which he is currently a member.

With his children Adam and Brianna grown, Jay takes every chance he can to enjoy his grandchildren Bowen and Aria, while also finding time to enjoy his passion for golf.

Click here to contribute to the Farmington Democratic Town Committee and help Jay and the Farmington Democrats win in November.

Vote Row A November 5th
Jay Tulin
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

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