Bruce Charette – Bio:
Bruce Charette is a life-long Connecticut resident who has lived in Farmington for five years with his partner Dan and his mother Rena. He quickly got involved in the community with an appointment as an alternate to The Farmington Historic District Commission and election as an alternate to Farmington Town Planning and Zoning (TPZ). Bruce’s service on TPZ led to an appointment on the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG).
In 2017, Bruce won election to Farmington’s Town Council. During his two-year tenure, he has served as Vice Chair, as well as liaison for the Town Planning & Zoning Commission and the Farmington Historic District Commission. He also has chaired the Retirement Board and Farmington Village Center committees, as well as been a member of the FHS Facility & Financial Ad Hoc committee.
Bruce has spent more than 30 years of his professional career with Cigna Corporation, and continually strives to give back to the towns in which he lives. His personal, professional, elected, and volunteer endeavors have equipped him with a diverse skill set which will be instrumental to the Town Council’s success in providing open and honest improvements for our town and the lives of its residents.
Bruce enjoys spending time with his mom, visiting with friends, and, when time permits, traveling with Dan.
Approved by Bruce Charette
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Vote Row A November 5th
Bruce Charette
Town Council Chair
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